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International leading robot navigation and motion control platform

Location: Home Human Talent Concept
Talent Concept

Talent Concept

Integrity-based, public and private; five lakes and four seas, people do their best; performance-oriented, shared growth

Integrity is the foundation of being a man, and integrity is an important factor in selecting talents.

In the future, Core Extension's selection and promotion of talents is a complete performance-oriented, and meritocracy is the principle of talent selection in the future. In the same position, those with outstanding performance will never be ignored.

It is the responsibility of the company to let employees share growth with the company. Employees who contribute to the development of the company should receive the rewards and developments they deserve. As long as they contribute to the development of the company, the individual will be able to develop.


In the future, Coretop will implement competitive and attractive wage and salary policies. Regularly investigate salary data, and adjust employee salary according to the results of the survey, combined with individual performance and company benefits.

Salary structure: salary = fixed salary + bonus + stock options


Social insurance: The company pays social insurance such as pension and medical care for all employees.

Holiday Benefits: The company provides relevant benefits for employees during the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and employee birthdays.

Employee leave: Employees enjoy paid public holidays such as paid annual leave and marriage leave.

Long-term service award: The company awards long-term service awards to employees who have served for five years or more.

Employee activities: organize annual employees, employee clubs, Chinese New Year festivals, various cultural and sports competitions and events.

CopyRight © Beijing Xintuo Future Technology Co., Ltd. 

Address:Tiantongtai Financial Technology Valley, Kechuang 12th Street, Yizhuang Economic Development Zone, Beijing
TEL:4001274203 Contact: Mr. Yu Mobile:18310265263 Business mailbox:ccfrobot_tech@ccfrobot.com

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